Medical Office Force, LLC (MOF) offers you a Medical Records Bank service (the “Service”) and is committed to protecting the privacy and security of the sensitive health information that you entrust to us. We want to be fully transparent about how we use and share your information. We will not share your identifiable or de-identified information without your consent, other than as necessary to provide you with the Service, operate MOF, or as required by law. Our business model is to provide you the service without charge if you consent to share your de-identified information for research purposes. Anyone who receives your de-identified information would have to agree to not re-identify it. It is your choice, we will not disclose or sell your identifiable data without your consent, other than as necessary to provide the service, operate the company, or as required by law.
The following privacy notice provides more details and is based on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2018 Model Privacy Notice at By using this model, we hope that you will find the notice easy to understand and easy to compare with others. If you have any questions about how we handle your information, please email us at and we would be happy to answer them.
This notice is specific to the Medical Records Bank service. For information about the privacy of information that we collect through the website, please view our website privacy policy at
☐ Yes
☒ No
[If yes] If the health technology developer is a HIPAA covered entity, select one of the statements on the right that applies to be inserted in the privacy notice. N/A
Primary Service: Our technology is used primarily to provide you with a platform to store and share your health information.
We collect and use your identifiable data to:
☒ Provide the primary service of the app or technology
☐ Develop marketing materials for our products
☐ Conduct scientific research
☒ Support company operations (e.g., quality control or technical support)
☐ Develop and improve new and current products and services (e.g., analytics)
☐ Other:_____________________
☐ We DO NOT collect and use your identifiable data
We share your identifiable data to:
☒ Provide the primary service of the app or technology
☐ Develop marketing materials for our products
☐ Conduct scientific research
☒ Support company operations (e.g., quality control or technical support)
☐ Develop and improve new and current products and services (e.g., analytics)
☒ Other: Based on your consent
☐ We DONOT share your identifiable data
We share your data AFTER removing identifiers
☐ Provide the primary service of the app or technology
☐ Develop marketing materials for our products
☐ Conduct scientific research
☐ Support company operations(e.g.,quality and services or fraud detection)
☐ Develop and improve new and current products and services (e.g., analytics)
☒ Other: We will only share your data after removing identifiers based on your consent
☐ We DO NOT share your data after removing
We sell your identifiable data to some or all of the following: data brokers, marketing firms, advertising firms, or analytics firms.
☐ Yes, automatically
☐ Yes, only with your permission
☒ No, we DO NOT sell your identifiable data
We share your data AFTER removing identifiers (note that remaining data may not be anonymous) to some or all of the following: data brokers, marketing firms, advertising firms, or analytics firms for research purposes.
☒ Yes, automatically with your consent at the time of account creation.
o You can revoke your permission and close your Medical Records Bank account in writing by Emailing MOF’s Privacy office at with your intention to withdraw/revoke your consent to share your De-identified health data by Medical Office Force. The subject line of the email should be, “Withdraw Consent-Close Account”.
☐ Yes, only with your permission
☐ No, we DO NOT sell your data after removing identifiers (note that remaining data may not be anonymous)
We store your data on the device
☐ Yes
☒ No
We store your data outside the device at our company or through a third-party
☒ Yes
☐ No
We encrypt your data in the device or app
☐ Yes, automatically
☐ Yes, but only when you take certain steps (click to learn how)
☐ No
☒ N/A
We encrypt your data when stored on our company servers or with an outside cloud computing services provider
☒ Yes, automatically
☐ Yes, but only when you take certain steps (click to learn how)
☐ No
☐ N/A
We encrypt your data while it is transmitted
☒ Yes, automatically
☐ Yes, but only when you take certain steps (click to learn how)
☐ No
☐ N/A
The technology or app requests access to other device data or applications, such as your phone’s camera, photos, or contacts
☒ Yes, only with your permission. It connects to…
☒ Camera
☒ Photos
☒ Contacts
☒ Location services
☒ Microphone
☒ Health monitoring devices
☒ Other: Check the settings within your smart device to verify and/or change the permissions, including permissions set as a default.
☐ No: This technology or app does NOT request access to other device data or applications, such as your phone’s camera, photos, or contacts.
The technology or app allows you to share the collected data with your social media accounts, like Facebook
☐ Yes
☐ Yes, only with your permission.
[If yes] Here is how you can check your
☒ No: This technology or app does not allow you to share the collected data with your social media accounts, such as Facebook
The technology or app allows you to access, edit, share, or delete the data we have about you
☒ Yes. You can…
☒ Access your data
☐ Edit your data
☒ Share your data
☒ Delete your data to the extent required by law. The information that is required by law for MOF to retain will be Archived.
○ Here is how to do this… You can access, share, and delete your data through your personal profile in the Health Wealth Safe database.
☐ No
When your account is deactivated/terminated by you or the company, your data is…
☐ Deleted immediately
☒ Deleted after 30 days
☐ Permanently retained and used
☐ Retained and used until you request deletion
MOF will notify Account Holders of privacy policy changes (e.g. merger or acquisition) by email and/or SMS notification, as well as, posting publicly on the MOF website. For a full description go to to view and read MOF’s complete privacy policy.
How we will notify you and protect your data in case of an improper disclosure
MOF complies with all applicable laws regarding breaches. MOF will follow ONC’s guidelines to protect you and your data in the case of a breach. Please visit to view MOF’s complete privacy policy for a full description of how MOF will work to keep you informed and your data safe.
Medical Office Force, LLC
Website privacy policy:
Online Comment/Contact Form:
Phone Number: +1 (706) 296 8632
Address: Medical Office Force, LLC
2005 Prince Avenue
Athens, GA 30606
United States